80 IT & Software Developer jobs in Nantes
Job title | Company |
OPS / Ingénieur SRE (SMACL) F/H | MAIF |
Lead Développeur (SMACL) F/H | MAIF |
Développeur expérimenté / LeadTech H/F | Crédit Mutuel Arkéa |
Ingénieur système - bases de données db2 (H/F) | EURO-INFORMATION PRODUCTION |
Expert Base de données PostgreSQL F/H | MAIF |
Chargé d'ingénierie et services SI F/H | Groupe Covéa |
Ingénieur systèmes et réseaux - administration messagerie et sécurité (H/F) - Nantes | EURO-INFORMATION PRODUCTION |
Tech Lead Java Full Stack F/H | Groupe Covéa |
Expert CyberArk H/F | MAIF |
Concepteur(rice) Développeur(euse) Mainframe - Financial Services F/H - Nantes | CGI |
Expert Solutions Editique F/H | MAIF |
Stage 6 mois - Agile Master- NIORT F/H | MAIF |
Ingénieur DevOps | Inetum |
You can find Software Developer salaries in Nantes here.
How many Software Developer jobs are in Nantes?
Currently, there are 80 all openings.
Is Nantes a good city for Software Developers?
Even though Nantes is not the main tech hub in France. You can still find some interesting Tech jobs here.
Which companies are hiring for Software Developer jobs in Nantes?
MAIF, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, EURO-INFORMATION PRODUCTION, Groupe Covéa, CGI, Inetum, Atos among others, are currently hiring for Software roles in Nantes.
The company with most openings is Crédit Mutuel Arkéa as they are hiring for 16 different Software Developer jobs in Nantes. They are probably quite committed to find good Software Developers.
The company with most openings is Crédit Mutuel Arkéa as they are hiring for 16 different Software Developer jobs in Nantes. They are probably quite committed to find good Software Developers.